A geek, an ambivert and a workaholic person who thinks sarcasm is seriously important.

Pssst I'm a skilled Android Developer (with over 1 year experience) exploring other fields in tech. You can learn more about me here.


Draw Easy

Draw Easy is an Android app that helps an individual to draw/sketch somthing. It digitises the grid method of Drawing by printing grids over the reference image so that the user can draw the picture following each grid. This app on playstore has over 50K downloads

MAD Dictionary

Is this dictionary mad? Well yes, but actually no. MAD = Modern Android Development, this app is built using the very new and very awesome frameworks in the Android SDK like Coroutine, View/DataBinding, MVVM architecture, RecyclerView etc.

Congrats Shower

An Android library governed by Jitpack Package manager which can be used to perform Confetti Shower animation.

60 Days Of DSA Bot

Twitter bot built using TwitterAPI and Node.js along with a API Client. That retweets tweets with #60DaysOfDSA and #DSAWithKunal

Tech Stack




About me

I'm a passionate coder who loves building cool stuff. I have been programming since January 2020 and I have spent a big chunk of that time building Android apps. And lately, I have started gaining interest on Web and the Cloud.

When I'm not coding, you can find me hanging out on EddieHub, watching cricket, watching comedy videos on YouTube or listening to Rock music (I do that while coding as well :P). In fact, here's one of my favorite songs.

You think you have better music taste than mine? Let's talk about it then! You can reach me out from the links below.